Category: Uncategorized
Finding the right path
Here we highlight (from our own experience) cultures we would call out and why, starting with a tech giant.
People will surprise you
Here we highlight (from our own experience) cultures we would call out and why, starting with a tech giant.
Why Values Matter
Here we examine the importance of having core values in work and why it makes good business sense.
Negar joins
We are proud to announce a new member of our growing team.
More about us
We were recently interviewed by Voice FM and have saved you the best snippets. This page covers what we do, why we do it that way and our top tiips for success.
Customer is king
Here we look at what makes a positive workplace culture and the key elements needed.
Living the right mindset
Here we highlight (from our own experience) cultures we would call out and why, starting with a tech giant.
Core facets of a healthy culture
Here we look at what makes a positive workplace culture and the key elements needed.
A warm welcome to Holloway Consulting
We seek to offer something different in the change space. Our aim is to help organizations build closer ties to their customers. We have seen that by going beyond the surface of a business and deeper into its operations we can help deliver long-term change.