Doing the right thing
We believe our clients thrive best when we empower, upskill, and support them to grow. We will never deliver work where we don’t consider how our customers can best help implement the chosen solution alongside us. Our clients will never be cash cows and this is why we also assign them the Intellectual Property associated with their project.
Innovative thinking
We think it’s important to always consider alternate perspectives to common issues whether it requires new technology, processes, or ways of working. We are always open to new ways of doing things that enrich the business and most critically deliver customer-centric experiences.
Equality and Inclusion
We actively support people to be the best they can be regardless of background. We embrace the positivity that a rich diverse environment brings. This is also reflected in our long-term commitment to the Just Finance Foundation to help them provide financial education to young people wherever they live.
Bigger picture
We always look to the bigger picture when working with you. This means we don’t look at specific issues in isolation from the longer-term objectives and plans we commit to.
Sustainable principles
As a socially & ethically responsible business it is important to us that we are considerate to minimising our impact on the world around us. This includes reducing our environmental footprint by reducing car travel, reducing, reusing and recycling our waste and sourcing energy from renewable sources. We are engaged with the University of Southampton to assess our governance and impact which will be regularly / clearly published. This commitment to the environment is matched by the same expectation of our suppliers and future customers.
All opinions matter
Experience has taught us that everyone has an important part to play in change whether a senior decision-maker or a front-line worker. We have found by gaining input across the business we have gained powerful insight, maximum creativity a unified way forward, and buy-in.