Innovating to reach new audiences


South Central and West NHS needed to reduce substantial spending on staffing agencies and provide better cover across critical services across the region – being the pilot for a major new initiative.

A lack of vacancy awareness by ideal applicants meant a range of critical roles like service change specialists and senior governance staff were left unfilled – meaning several key projects were delayed or understaffed.

Overall Impact

Work enabled an 80% agency cost saving & a 23% reduction in unfilled roles.

So what was done:

Innovative Strategy

Working with recruiters, wider stakeholders and potential applicants Ben identified the inefficiencies in the current traditional processes and then pioneered a new approach that utilized social media AI & innovative targeting to raise better awareness amongst a new untapped talent pool.

Process Optimization

Ben worked with all key stakeholders to re-design the recruitment experience (messaging & process). He also integrated innovative partners like Socially Recruited to help reach the right people.   This meticulous attention to detail ensured a higher quality of applicants, aligning with the specific needs of NHS England.

Financial and Operational Impact

The project set the blue-print for a wider rollout across the UK and the creation of a detailed case study and process manual helped ensure wider consistency and appeal – regardless of an applicant’s postcode.


Ben’s saved NHS South Central & West considerable financial resources, but also fortified its future operational stability.